Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a brave boy called Batman. He was on his way to antarctica to stop Pingu. Pingu is the number 1 super villain and he had just stolen batmans magical ball that lets you grant 3 wishes.


12km left to go Batman starts running when he comes across three magical scary bears that talk. “Right listen up give me your magic ball or i will eat you. That’s when batman got magic powers and flew away. “Finally he says to himself, I’m now in antarctica. Now where would i find him.


 He knocks on a door no response that’s when he looks through a window and hears pingu say “noot noot” and then sees him waddle away. Batman has a full pursuit chasing pingu that’s when batman tackled pingu and took his ball back than used a magic wish to take him and pingu back to his batcave and put him in a prison cell for 50 years. “Shame” says Batman


The end.